Rox Prothrombin
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Rox Prothrombin (200040) is for quantitative determination of Prothrombin (FII) functional activity in plasma and Factor II (FII) containing concentrates. The method is suitable for plasma collected in citrate or EDTA. Manufactured by Rossix AB.
For quantitative determination of Prothrombin (FII) functional activity in plasma and FII containing concentrates. The method is suitable for plasma collected in citrate or EDTA.
Factor II is a single chain vitamin K dependent glycoprotein of 72 kDa, which is activated to thrombin (FIIa) by FXa in the presence of FVa, calcium ions and phospholipids.
FII functional activity is determined in a chromogenic prothrombinase method, in which human FII is activated to thrombin (FIIa) by human FXa in the presence of bovine FV, calcium ions and phospholipid.
The amount of FIIa formed is determined from the hydrolysis of a chromogenic FIIa substrate. The FII activity of the sample is assigned vs. plasma or a FII concentrate standard with FII potency expressed in International Units (IU).
The prothrombinase complex is sensitive to γ-carboxylation and therefore a-carboxy-FII is not activated in this method in contrast to snake venom based prothrombin methods.