PEO Western Blot IgG (24T)
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PEO Western Blot IgG (24T) (PEO-WB24G) is a single use qualitative test of serological IgG diagnosis by Immunoblot Assay of the bird-breeder’s lung disease (BBD), extrinsic allergic alveolitis (EAA) with avian antigens, intended for confirmatory testing of a positive or equivocal result obtained through classic screening tests. Kit of 24 tests.
THE PEO Western Blot IgG TEST
Associated with highly sensitive natural antigens, the PEO Western Blot IgG test is a robust confirmation technique of classical screening tests.
The PEO Western Blot IgG test also allows to discriminate sensitized from sick subjects, through precise and clear differentiation of specific immunological profiles.
Each kit is composed of sensitized and precut strips, the ready-to-use liquid reagents, and the positive control serum.