Echinococcus Western Blot IgG (24T)
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Echinococcus Western Blot IgG (24T) (ECH-WB24G) is a single use qualitative test of serological IgG diagnosis by Immunoblot Assay of alveolar echinococcosis and hydatidosis intended for confirmatory testing of a positive or equivocal result obtained through classic screening tests. Kit of 24 tests.
Specificity and sensitivity of the immunoblot lead to propose this technique as confirmation of screening tests, and as a differentiating assay for the two main human echinococcosis : alveolar and cystic echinococcosis.
The Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS) in France as well as the American Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommend the immunoblot for the confirmation of serodiagnoses (Argumentaire HAS, 2017, DDPx Echinococcus, 2019).
In order to meet this demand, LDBIO Diagnostics developed a reliable test based on the Western Blot technique. Associated with highly sensitive natural antigens, the ECHINOCOCCUS Western Blot IgG test is a robust confirmation technique of classical screening tests (Liance et al., 2000, Yamano et al., 2004, Bart et al., 2007, Vola et al., 2019). It allows the differential diagnosis between E. granulosus and E. multilocularis infections.
Several studies reported its pertinence in the follow-up of patients with alveolar echinococcosis (Tappe et al., 2008), and post-surgery follow-up of cystic echinococcosis (Makni et al., 2007). It also seems to be more sensitive than other commercial kits (Deininger & Wellinghausen, 2019, Tamarozzi et al., 2019).